Harold Davidson

To the guy that invented zero, thanks for nothing.

About Me
I'm a passionate software developer with a love of all things iOS. I attended the University of Kansas for a full-stack web development certificate program and have since been independently learning iOS development. Below are some of my independent iOS projects and some web development projects from the class. You can check out much more on my Github.
iOS Projects
My personal iOS projects
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Iron Throne Trivia

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Codester Programming

Web Projects
These are some of my school projects
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HTML, CSS, JavaScript
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Crystal Collector

Bootstrap, jQuery
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Trivia Game

Bootstrap, JS timers, jQuery
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Starship Scheduler

jQuery, Firebase, Moment.js
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jQuery, API
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Disposal Finder

Materialize, Google Maps, Firebase
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Node, Inquirer
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Friend Finder

Node, Express, MySQL
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Eat da Burger

Handlebars, Node, Express, MySQL
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Everyday Jo Jobs

Bootstrap, MySQL, Sequelize
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Clicky Game

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NYT React Scraper

Mongo, Express, React, Node
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Sweet Idea

React, Bootstrap
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Website Builder, GoDaddy
Volunteer work for a non-profit.
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Website Builder, GoDaddy
This was my first freelance job.